Ok we never do this but, we are having so much fun with this next component… we’re going to give you a sneak peek. 

It’s still in early Alpha so features are still being added and changed but, coming to a mobile device near you soon… ActionTile!

Here is a universal test app running on iPhone and iPad:

Here is some sample code:

// Add and configure the first group
var group1 = tileController.AddExpandingGroup ("Group One");
group1.autoFitTiles = UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone;

// Add tiles to first group
group1.AddTile (UIActionTileStyle.Default, UIActionTileSize.Single, "Today", UIImage.FromFile("Icons/30x-Calendar-Day.png"));
group1.AddTile (UIActionTileStyle.Default, UIActionTileSize.DoubleVertical, "Crop", UIImage.FromFile("Icons/30x-Crop.png"));
group1.AddTile (UIActionTileStyle.BigPicture, UIActionTileSize.DoubleHorizontal, "Last Image", UIImage.FromFile("Images/Arrow.jpg"));
group1.AddTile (UIActionTileStyle.DescriptionBlock, UIActionTileSize.Quad, "Message", "Welcome!", "We hope that you are enjoying your ActionTile View. Look around and see what all I can do!",UIImage.FromFile("Icons/30x-Open-Mail.png"));
group1.AddTile (UIActionTileStyle.Default, UIActionTileSize.Single, "Map", UIImage.FromFile("Icons/30x-Marker.png"));
group1.AddTile (UIActionTileStyle.TopTitle, UIActionTileSize.Single, "Lock Device", UIImage.FromFile("Icons/30x-Lock.png"));
group1.AddTile (UIActionTileStyle.CornerIcon, UIActionTileSize.Single, "Images", "32", UIImage.FromFile("Icons/30x-film-roll.png"));
group1.AddTile (UIActionTileStyle.Default, UIActionTileSize.Single, "Pasteboard", UIImage.FromFile("Icons/30x-Paste.png"));

// Create a custom drawn tile in this group
var customTile = group1.AddTile (UIActionTileStyle.CustomDrawn, UIActionTileSize.Single, "Picture", UIImage.FromFile("Icons/30x-Polaroid.png"));

// Respond to the draw event
customTile.RequestCustomDraw += (tile, rect) => {

	//Fill with an image
	UIImage image = UIImage.FromFile("Images/Arrow.jpg");

	//Request a standard bottom title bar be drawn

// Randomily assign a purple color to the tiles in this group with the
// given brightness range
group1.ChromaKeyTiles (UIActionColor.Purple, 50, 250);

// Assign a live update action to this group
group1.liveUpdateAction = new UIActionTileLiveUpdateGroupChromaKey (group1, UIActionColor.Purple, 50, 250);