navbar-128About NavBar

NavBar is a left-side, icon based, customizable navigation strip and view controller that supports several different types of user definable buttons

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Button Types

  • View – Handles hiding and showing an attached view
  • AutoDisposingView -Handles hiding and showing an attached view and removes the view from memory when it loses focus
  • Tool – A button that has a user defined action when touched
  • Notification – A non-touchable icon displayed in the bar


Available Regions

NavBar has three separate regions that you can add buttons to: Top, Middle and Bottom. NavBar automatically handles the spacing and placement of buttons within the regions and responds to UIInterfaceOrientation events with smoothly animated transitions.


Customizable Appearance

NavBar is fully customizable with user definable appearances for every element of its UI.


iOS Example

using Appracatappra.UIKit.NavBar;

public override void ViewDidLoad ()
	UINavBarButton warning=null;
	UINavBarButton delete=null;
	UINavBarButton ticket;

	base.ViewDidLoad ();
	//Adjust the appearance of the NavBar
	navBar.appearance.border = UIColor.Gray;

	//Create a new view from code
	UIImageView logo=new UIImageView(new RectangleF(70,10,512,512));
	logo.Image=UIImage.FromFile ("Icon.png");

	//Add buttons to the top of the bar
	//The first button added to the top collection will automatically be selected
	UINavBarButton (UIImage.FromFile ("Icons/house.png"), true, false);

	//Wireup request for this button's view
	home.RequestNewView+= delegate(UINavBarButton responder) {
		//Attaching a view to a button will automatically display it under the NavBar
		home.attachedView = logo;

	//Add an action to the home button
	home.Touched+= delegate(UINavBarButton responder) {
		//Hide warning notification in NavBar
		if (warning!=null) warning.Hidden=true;

		//Disable the delete button
		if (delete!=null) delete.Enabled=false;

	//Request that the initial view being controlled by the NavBar be displayed
	navBar.DisplayDefaultView (); (UIImage.FromFile ("Icons/bar-chart.png"), true, false).RequestNewView+= delegate(UINavBarButton responder) {
		//Build new view from a .xib file and attach it to the button it will automatically
		//be displayed under the NavBar
		responder.attachedView=BarChartView.Factory (this);
	}; (UIImage.FromFile ("Icons/orgchart.png"), true, false).RequestNewView+= delegate(UINavBarButton responder) {
		responder.attachedView=OrgChartView.Factory (this);

	(ticket= (UIImage.FromFile ("Icons/ticket.png"), true, false)).RequestNewView+= delegate(UINavBarButton responder) {
		responder.attachedView=TicketView.Factory (this);

	ticket.Touched+= delegate(UINavBarButton responder) {
		//Enable the delete button
		if (delete!=null) delete.Enabled=true;

	//Add buttons to the middle of the bar
	navBar.middle.AddTool (UIImage.FromFile ("Icons/printer.png"), true, false).Touched+= delegate(UINavBarButton responder) {
		//Display Alert Dialog Box
		using(var alert = new UIAlertView("NavBar", "Sorry but printing is not available at this time.", null, "OK", null))

		//Display warning notification in NavBar
		if (warning!=null) warning.Hidden=false;

	(delete = navBar.middle.AddTool (UIImage.FromFile ("Icons/trash.png"), false, false)).Touched += delegate(UINavBarButton responder) {
		//Verify that the user really wants to stop downloading information
		UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView("NavBar", "Delete Item?", null, "Cancel", "OK");
		//Wireup events
		alert.Clicked += (sender, buttonArgs) => {
			//Did the user verify termination?
			if (buttonArgs.ButtonIndex==1) {
		//Display dialog

	//Add buttons to the bottom of the bar
	warning = navBar.bottom.AddNotification (UIImage.FromFile ("Icons/warning.png"), null, true);
	navBar.bottom.AddButton (UIImage.FromFile ("Icons/gear.png"), true, false).RequestNewView+= delegate(UINavBarButton responder) {