We just submitted a new version of our ActionAlert component for Xamarin Studio with the following fixes for supporting iOS 7.

Release Notes

Version 01.01

The following features and bug fixes have been added to ActionAlert in version 01.01:

  • Screen Size Issue – Fixes an issues where the background overlay is incorrectly sized if running on iOS 7

  • New Show Method – Provides a new Show(rootView) method to fix an issue that can occur if calling anActionAlert from an UIModialViewController. You need to pass the parent UIModialViewController to theShow method.

  • Auto Select iOS 7 Styling – Automatically selects iOS 7 appearance if running on an iOS 7 device.

  • Color Adjustments – Adjusted several colors to better fit with iOS 7 design language

  • Activity Indicator Color – Added a property to the UIActionAlert’s appearance property to allow you to specify an Activity Indicator’s color when running on iOS 7

We hope to have this fix in the store soon, however any customer that has immediate need for the fix can contact us directly and we’ll get it to you ASAP!